vTv Therapeutics Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the discovery and development of orally administered small molecule drug candidates. The Company provides a pipeline of small molecule clinical and pre-clinical drug candidates for the treatment of a range of human diseases, including central nervous system disorders, metabolic disorders, inflammation and cancer. The Company provides programs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and type II diabetes. Its lead candidate is Azeliragon (TTP488) and its type II diabetes drug candidates include Glucokinase Activator (TTP399) and GLP-1r Agonist (TTP273). The Company also offers products for the prevention of muscle weakness and the treatment of inflammatory disorders, which include HPP593, HPP737 and HPP971. The Company utilizes TTP Translational Technology to discover small molecule therapeutics for diseases and to validate biological pathways and targets.


+1.210 (+4.68%)
价格区间 25.800 - 27.880   (8.06%)
开盘 -
昨收 25.880
买盘 29
卖盘 9
成交量 1,363
成交额 -
数据延迟。最后一次更新17 May 2024 03:59.


vTv Therapeutics Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the discovery and development of orally administered small molecule drug candidates. The Company provides a pipeline of small molecule clinical and pre-clinical drug candidates for the treatment of a range of human diseases, including central nervous system disorders, metabolic disorders, inflammation and cancer. The Company provides programs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and type II diabetes. Its lead candidate is Azeliragon (TTP488) and its type II diabetes drug candidates include Glucokinase Activator (TTP399) and GLP-1r Agonist (TTP273). The Company also offers products for the prevention of muscle weakness and the treatment of inflammatory disorders, which include HPP593, HPP737 and HPP971. The Company utilizes TTP Translational Technology to discover small molecule therapeutics for diseases and to validate biological pathways and targets.

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