About Dum Dum
Estimates are not a call to buy/sell anything, just looking for like-minded people to exchange ideas and learn, if I have made an estimate that is unfavourable to your vested interest, do not take it personally, estimates don't do anything, if you are right, the market will agree with you eventually. In fact we can be both right in different timeframes.
I tend to have a conservative but flexible stop-loss within a range but not a fixed value.
I no longer make public sell estimates, it's not popular to be a bearer of bad news.
There are mighty clever and conscientious people here, I enjoy learning from them, I hope you do too.
Random Musings
Investing is primarily about temperament, good temperament allows us to stay calm and insulate the people around us from our investing outcomes. If we project our frustrations onto others when we miss out on a trade, or when our trades are not doing well, that’s not helpful.
We don’t chase "ups", we wait for it to come to us, if it doesn’t that’s alright, there are many shoes on the shelf, wear the ones that fit.
I prefer to use less plastic, less animal skin/fur products, less conspicuous consumption, less sugar, less salt, less oily food, less wastage.
If we are constantly seeking external validation, doing things for show, for face and ego, then we have only managed to attract and surround ourselves with people who are lesser than us.
Competent people go about doing their stuff with little to no drama, there are exceptions, the exceptions are simply less competent.