PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is an Indonesia-based company primarily engaged in banking sector. It is operating under the name Bank BNI or BNI. Its products include saving accounts, current accounts and fixed deposits. It also offers various loans, such as home loan, car loan and study loan. Besides conventional banking, it also offers Shariah-compliant banking services through its subsidiary, PT Bank BNI Syariah. Its other subsidiaries include PT BNI Life Insurance, which provides life insurance; PT BNI Multifinance, which is engaged in financing business; PT BNI Securities, which provides securities underwriting and brokering services; PT BNI Asset Management, which provides investment management services, and BNI Remittance Ltd, which offers money remittance services.


-25.000 (-0.28%)
Range 8925.000 - 9050.000   (1.40%)
Open 9000.000
Previous Close 9000.000
Bid Price -
Bid Volume -
Ask Price -
Ask Volume -
Volume 12,239,600
Value -
End-of-day (EOD) prices. Updated for 29 Sep 2022.
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About Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is an Indonesia-based company primarily engaged in banking sector. It is operating under the name Bank BNI or BNI. Its products include saving accounts, current accounts and fixed deposits. It also offers various loans, such as home loan, car loan and study loan. Besides conventional banking, it also offers Shariah-compliant banking services through its subsidiary, PT Bank BNI Syariah. Its other subsidiaries include PT BNI Life Insurance, which provides life insurance; PT BNI Multifinance, which is engaged in financing business; PT BNI Securities, which provides securities underwriting and brokering services; PT BNI Asset Management, which provides investment management services, and BNI Remittance Ltd, which offers money remittance services.

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