
Personally, I thot Starhub is the weakest among the 3 telcos. Its cable business is affected by declining subscribers, as more and more people will prefer to watch dramas online. Number-wise, based on Shareinvestor numbers, Starhub's net debt to equity is 3.6 (wow)! M1's net debt to equity is 0.97, while Singtel's is 0.38.

Not vested in any of the telcos. If I am forced to buy a telco stock, it will be Singtel.


Thanks for the very informative writeup!


Appreaciate the comparison charts of the 3 telco. I took a position in Singtel late last year as its exposure beyond Singapore and I felt that it's dividend is more sustainable. Based on the comparison charts on div payout, profit margin n fcf, I think I made the right decision. However, Singtel fcf is on a downtrend, so will need to continue to monitor.

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