
An interesting piece of news. Recently, I saw a Grab shuttle bus service. The mini-bus had advertisements on it's sides to point out the features of their services and how it can provide advantages to commuters. As I saw it, I was "wowed" by it. Grab has displayed time and again their innovativeness and differentiation strategies. Now, they are into shuttle bus service and even displayed the features and advantages on the sides of the bus for everyone to see so that they are informed of the features and advantages. It is communicated so clear and straight to the point that anyone viewing it can immediately understand and form an opinion whether such features and advantages of using their services will be useful to one or not.

Now, my opinion of Grab is that they are an innovative company that know how to differentiate their services to see where are the shortfalls or areas for improvements in the current transport market and then provide their differentiated services to cater to these shortfalls and areas for improvements. Differentiation in doing business is a strong power to address unmet needs in the market and potentially create industry leadership. No point to compete aggressively on same platform with established players where margins are low. Address new unmet market needs and one can establish a new market as a market leader commanding higher profit margins for a long time since there are no other players or lack of players to compete with to address those unmet needs before other players start to come in to compete for market share to drive down margins.


Reply to @seba240698 : Haha! Tks for your sharing too from another angle of view.

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