
Looks like cannot bring to CDP... Only can sell..


[Help Needed] I thought I already extracted all the shares out from my parents CPF into their brokerage... (already done) But when I went to check in their CPF today, they still have SingTel shares under SDS...

1) Can bring out of CPF into brokerage account?
2) I see CPF website say can sell via Post Office or Brokerage Account... Anyone know how for the latter?


SingTel ipo in Nov 1993 26 years ago and its market price dropped from a high of $4.8 to a low of $3.5 within 2 months . . . that translate to $8.02 and $5.35 at today’s $

i.e. those people who bought at the market during ipo will suffer a loss at today price due to inflation . . .

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